Get Started

You need two to six learners, ages 6 -10, to make a team, they must be willing to work together and have lots FUN, while they work!

Coaches will receive a Team Meeting Guide to guide you through each coaching session.

Coaches don’t require any special technical skills or experience. With your guidance and perhaps the help of a second coach, the team will start discovering what this season’s theme is all about. They will learn new skills, like programming and teamwork and gain more knowledge.

Being a FIRST LEGO League Coach means that you are part of a FIRST LEGO League Community, where teams and coaches are willing to help each other.  In this community you can ask for advice or help any time. – 

You will need a suitable meeting place, that can accommodate the team and have internet access.

Materials needed, will be explained on a separate page.

We want everyone: Team Members and Coaches to have a great FIRST experience, that is why we built FIRST LEGO League Explore upon a set of FIRST CORE VALUES.​

♦  Keep in mind that a child can only be in 1 team for a season, but a coach can have multiple teams.

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