Materials needed to start:

  • 2020/2021 First Lego League Cargo Connect DISCOVER Set
  • Lego Duplo Steam Park Set
  • Discover More – Six Bricks Duplo Sets.
  • Team Meeting Guide for Coaches
  • Engineering Notebooks for each learner

Cargo Connect DISCOVER Set: 

Every year the Challenge theme changes thus the team will have to get a new DISCOVER set, every year.  

Lego Duplo Steam Park Set:

It is available from SA Lego Education Retailer: Hands on Technologies.  Private teams must buy their own set  The set is not included in Registration Fee. 

 The Steam Park set can be re-used for many seasons and shared between 2 teams.

Discover More – Six Bricks Set:

Each learner will receive a DISCOVER More  – Six Bricks Set, this consists of 2 sets of Six Bricks, to take home.   The idea is that a Parent or Caretaker, can do Six Brick activities, with the child, at home, to help them develop more skills.

Team Meeting Guide: 

This is a practical guide for Coaches,in which each session is outlined.. Each session is a page that is divided into the following parts: Teaching tips, Guided opening questions, 3 Tasks (with building time) and Sharing Session.  The Learning  Outcome, at the bottom of the page, can be used by the coach to make sure the team stays on track.

Engineering Notebook:

Each learner will receive an engineering notebook.   In this book, learners can make notes or drawings of their designs. This book is shown at the celebration event to show the learner’s learning journey, with others that attend the celebration event.  


Place to do each session:

Find  a meeting space, such as as a classroom, playroom or garage. This must be a safe space where the kids can play with the provided Lego Sets.   

◊ Keep in mind that a child can only be in 1 team for a season, but a Coach can have multiple teams.